Class 10 Computer Chapter 5 Solved Notes Topic Wise

In the Class 10 Computer curriculum, Chapter 5, “Functions,” is pivotal for understanding how programs are designed and executed. Functions simplify programming by breaking complex tasks into smaller, manageable units.

This article provides comprehensive solved notes on Chapter 5, including definitions, examples, types of functions, their advantages, and much more. Organized with precision, these notes will guide you to excel in your exams and grasp the core concepts effectively.

Topics Covered in These Notes

The following topics from Chapter 5 are thoroughly covered in these notes:

  • Definition of Functions: Explanation with examples.
  • Types of Functions: Built-in and user-defined functions.
  • Advantages of Functions: Including reusability and separation of tasks.
  • Syntax and Structure: General syntax of functions and their definition.
  • Function Signature: Parameters, return values, and the role of the return keyword.
  • Calling a Function: How functions are invoked in programming.
  • Programming Exercises: Examples like checking prime numbers, calculating sums, and printing tables.

Each section is meticulously detailed to ensure clarity and in-depth understanding.

Class 10 Computer Chapter 5 Solved Notes Topic-Wise

1. Definition of Functions

A function is a block of statements designed to perform a specific task. For example:

  • printf: Displays output.
  • scanf: Takes user input.

Every program contains a main function, while additional functions can be written and reused multiple times.


return_type function_name(data_type var1, data_type var2, โ€ฆ)  
// Function Body

2. Types of Functions

Functions are categorized as follows:

  • Built-in Functions: Predefined in C Standard Library (e.g., printf, scanf).
  • User-Defined Functions: Created by the programmer for specific tasks.


  • Built-in: Performing mathematical or string operations.
  • User-Defined: Calculating the sum of numbers or validating a triangle.

3. Advantages of Functions

Using functions in programming provides the following benefits:

  • Reusability: Avoids redundant code by calling functions repeatedly.
  • Separation of Tasks: Enables isolated debugging and easier management.
  • Complexity Reduction: Divides larger problems into manageable parts.
  • Improved Readability: Structured code improves understanding and maintenance.

4. Calling and Defining a Function

To execute a function, it must be called. Hereโ€™s the basic structure:

function_name(value1, value2, โ€ฆ);  

A function definition specifies the task it performs, while the return keyword ensures appropriate output.

5. MCQs, Short Questions, and Long Questions

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. Functions are categorized into:
    • (A) Built-in
    • (B) User-defined
    • (C) Both A & B
    • (D) None of these
      Answer: (C)

Short Question:

  • Q: What is a function?
    A: A function is a block of statements designed to perform a particular task.

Long Question:

  • Q: Explain the types of functions with examples.
    A: Built-in functions like printf and scanf handle standard tasks, while user-defined functions are created for specific needs, like calculating the sum of numbers.

Programming Exercises

To solidify the concepts of functions, here are practical examples from the notes:

Exercise 1: Prime Number Checker

int prime(int n) {
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
if (n % i == 0) return 0;
return 1;

This function checks if a number is prime. Calling prime(x) returns 1 if the number is prime or 0 otherwise.

Exercise 2: Sum of Numbers

int digitsSum(int n) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
sum += i;
return sum;

This function calculates the sum of all numbers up to the given input.

Exercise 3: Printing a Table

int table(int n) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
printf("%d x %d = %d\n", n, i, n * i);
return 0;

This function prints the multiplication table of the input number.

Tool for Success in Exams

These solved notes are designed to boost your confidence and efficiency in exams. By focusing on key points like definitions, syntax, and practical examples, these notes help you:

  • Retain core concepts easily.
  • Solve MCQs, short, and long questions effortlessly.
  • Master practical problems with clarity.

Colored Notes

These notes include highlighted sections and organized structures that make learning visually engaging. Important points are emphasized for quick reference, ensuring students can revise efficiently.

Notes Are Free to Use

These notes are freely available for all students. No subscription or payment is required, making them accessible to everyone who wants to excel in Chapter 5.

Notes Are Mistake-Free

Prepared with great care, these notes have been checked and verified for accuracy. Whether itโ€™s definitions, syntax, or examples, you can trust these notes to provide reliable and error-free content.


Chapter 5, “Functions,” serves as the foundation for understanding the programming world. These solved notes offer a comprehensive guide to mastering the chapter, from theoretical concepts to practical implementations.

By using these well-structured, mistake-free, and easy-to-understand notes, students can confidently prepare for exams and secure excellent results.

Other Class 10 Computer Solved Notes Topic Wise


What are the two main types of functions?

Built-in functions (e.g., printf, scanf) and user-defined functions created by programmers.

How do functions improve program readability?

Functions divide code into smaller, manageable parts, making it easier to understand and debug.

Why is the return keyword important in functions?

It ensures the function returns an output to the calling program and stops execution of further statements in the function.

Are these notes suitable for exam preparation?

Yes, these notes cover all key concepts, questions, and practical exercises to ensure thorough preparation.

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